Don’t miss our new Fireside Chat series as we kickoff with some amazing panelists to discuss the importance of teaching kids technology at an early age.
Anindya Kundu who is the author of a GREAT booked titled “THE POWER OF STUDENT AGNECY” will be joining us to share his knowledge on the educational gap we face and how it takes to overcome that.
Richard Staynings who is the Chief Security Officer at Cylera will be joining us to discuss how technology is evolving and why it’s critical to get children involve early.
Robert Martin, CISSP, MIS who is the sponsorship director of the Information Systems Security Association Raleigh Chapter and a senior engineer at CISCO will be our event moderator.
Allison who was part of the first Tweens & Technology camp program and a graduate will share her story of technology becoming her passion through learning early.
Tarini who is a current Tweens & Technology student will share her current experience of learning technology early.
Join our virtual session to learn how you can make a difference in the next generation’s lives!